Already, I have found that the exercising is making a difference in my level of energy and that my son is benefiting from the results. So that's added motivation.
My usual form of exercise is to do a mom & baby dance video (by Infantastic) that he absolutely LOVES. So I get a double benefit of exercise and bonding with my son.
Thursday, Nov. 23rd, I celebrated Thanksgiving with my husband's family. Friday evening I drove out of town to go have a second celebration with my family. I did well at the first Thanksgiving with keeping my portions small and only having one piece of desert instead of the second servings I wanted.............................
As for my score in eating over the weekend... well, I didn't do as great as I had hoped, but I did do pretty well under the circumstances. I stuck to my small desert rule and didn't eat the huge amounts of foods that I wanted to. I tried to keep my portions reasonable and stopped eating when I became satisfyingly full rather than can't-eat-another-bite full. ;-)
And, on top of that, I actually exercised a little bit Saturday morning- something I hadn't planned on since I was out of town. It was a sort of 20min power walk video of my mom's. It certainly wasn't at the level of intensity I'm used to, but at least it was something. I owe my mom a thanks for suggesting it.
On Wednesday, Nov. 15th I weighed 192.5lbs. On Thursday I weighed 192.5lbs. Because I was out of town, I did not weigh myself Friday or Saturday. Just now I weighed myself again and to my utter shock I weigh 190.0lbs! Yippee! Of course the real test will come around noon tomorrow since that is the time of day I weighed myself at previously and I know people can fluctuate slightly throughout the day. Still, at least that means I definately didn't gain anything! Yeah!
So, overall I'm feeling pretty proud of my Thanksgiving celebration outcomes. Now comes the hardcore stuff. I've really got to make a point of drinking a ton of water so that I can keep my portions small and my meals spread farther apart. I also have to really commit to exercising at a calorie burning level and duration EVERY DAY.
The combination of these factors is what really seems to work for me: small portions, low fat intake, tons of water, and regular hardcore exercise.
Actually, my apparent success for these past few days has really got me excited.
I 've read that for many people, having a clearly defined goal (a reason beyond a simple number) is key to whether or not their attempt at weightloss is successful.
For me, my most motivating goal is to have a natural birth the next time around. To help better my chances of successfully acheiving this, I will need a high endurance (in case of long labor), excellent flexibility (especially in my lower body for birthing positions), leg & arm strength (also for birthing positions & for lifting Ethan), strong ab muscles (for carrying the baby in pregnancy & pushing), strong kegel muscles (to protect my pelvic floor during delivery), and an overall excellent health to lower my risk of any pregnancy complications such as gestational diabetes or pregnancy induced hypertension. This list doesn't cover all the needs but you get the general idea.
Well, on to another very important need: sleep. :-)