Tuesday, February 17, 2009

A journey on hold

First, our family got sick. Nothing major. Just colds that took turns moving from one family member to another. Of course I didn't go to the gym when I was sick, but then I couldn't go when the boys were sick because they wouldn't be accepted at Child Watch & because I wouldn't feel right dropping them off with strangers when they were so miserable. But eventually they got better.

Since then it has been one thing after another that has so completely monopolized my time that I have yet to return to exercising.

I have also fallen way off the track with my food choices and portion control.

I think, however, that I tried to take on too much too soon. I started about 5 major commitments around the same time and realized that it was just too much to keep up with. I am therefore going to take a step back and try to do things one at a time. As I have successfully integrated one new commitment into my life, then I will move on to the next.

With this in mind, I hope to return to exercise soon, but do not plan to immediately begin tracking my food again. I will wait until I have been successfully exercising for about a month. Then I will try integrating food tracking once more. It may take longer this way, but I feel more assured of success.


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