Thursday, January 11, 2007

A very bad day

So, yesterday I found out that Discovery Health has this thing called New Body Challenge 2007 or something like that. Anyway, part of it is that they offer a free 8week pass to any Bally's location good from now until March 10 to anyone who registers. So, no brainer, I registered.

I was going to try the yoga class at Bally's tonight. It would have been my first time doing anything there besides the tour that I did last night. Well, during my tour I had made sure to get all the details on the child care: costs, screening procedures, safety and germ factors, etc. (I've never left him with a virtual stranger before.) At that time the employee told me that child care would only be $10 per month, unlimited time. Great! I could actually afford that! I went home that night, talked it over with my DH and we decided that I would sit in the kid area with my son for half an hour the first time we went so that he could be acclimated and I could get a better sense of things, yata yata yata... all these plans on how to make it work and make sure my son was safe and happy. Well, I get there tonight, son on my hip and the employee says, "So you'll need to pay for tonight." I'm like, "Yeah, I need to pay the $10 for the month." And he says, "Oh, it's $10 per month with a paid membership. With a free pass it's $5 per visit." WHAT?! Ummm that's quite a difference! He apologizes for "not being clear" (more like blantantly misinforming me!) and says that I can "just go ahead and exercise for tonight", obviously not planning to charge me for the care, but at this point I no longer feel the least bit comfortable about leaving my son there and frankly, the whole cost difference (which immediately dashes all my hopes of using the gym several times a week) has me so upset that I just leave before I start crying. I'd already had a bad day and I'd gotten myself so excited about finally being able to go to the gym for the first time in over 6yrs and actually having someone to watch my son.... I just broke down in the car and had to sit there for a few minutes to collect myself. (Probably doesn't help that I didn't get a whole lot of sleep last night.)

So I ended up taking my son to McDonald's to play on the playground since I'd promised him he was "going out to play" and what happens? On his second turn down the slide with me just in front of him, he somehow flips from his butt to his face in the blink of an eye and ends up with an egg bump on his left eyebrow, a large bruise higher up on his forehead, a cut in the crease of his left eye, and a red mark streaked across his upper lip and nose where he obviously skidded across the surface of the slide! Feeling like a horrible mom for letting him go down the slide without being actually in my lap (despite it being something he's done without problems dozens of times) I give him his first taste of chocolate in the form of a chocalate chip cookie and down my own sugar cookie while I'm at it, saving the last of the 3 for dada. He's only ever had 2 other tiny desserts (one for his birthday and one for Christmas) so I rationalize that he's not going to suffer from one guilt motivated cookie and anyway, I wanted one dang it!

When we get home later I'm terrified to try the muffins I'd just made from a new recipe and pulled from the oven before heading for the gym, because with the way my day had gone I'm certain they'll be just awful. I try one anyway and I'm shocked! They taste like carrot cake even though they are actually Zucchini Yogurt Multigrain Muffins and not too bad in calories or fat! Great! I can't wait to have my son try some.... nope. Nothing doing. He won't even TRY one tiny crumb! He turns his face away and hides in the corner of his high chair when I try to feed him a piece even though he's said he was hungry. So I put it on his tray figuring he wants to feed himself. Instead he rips the half muffin I give him into pieces and tosses the pieces onto the floor! Nice.

So, no. I'm sorry. But after a day like this I did not have even the slightest, teeniest, itsy-bitsiest, ounce of desire to exercise. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day.


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