Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Doc Appt & Overzealousness

Well, first of all I just want to announce that I worked my butt off yesterday! I did over 1-1/2hrs of exercise & over 3hrs of heavy (sweat-producing) housework, and burned a TON of calories! :-D Yeah me!

Okay, so this morning I had a doctor's appointment. There were several things discussed. Among them the fact that I seem to have given myself a repetative use injury in my right thumb and wrist. My thumb has been bothering me for a little over a month and then this past saturday on the drive home my whole hand just started twitching/jerking involuntarily in rythm with my heartbeat. Not good, right? So the doctor says I need to start taking Advil to reduce any swelling/inflamation and to get a finger brace and a wrist brace and..... wear them for 6-8 WEEKS!!! Good grief! That is going to SUCK! She says I need to try to wear the braces as much as possible during the day (taking it off to wash dishes or take a shower is fine) and especially to wear them at night. Ugh.
I also got the referral to a nutrionist that I had hoped for as well as a referral to a podiatrist to see if they prescribe orthodics. I have to wait 3-5days for the referrals to go through and then who knows how quickly I'll be able to get an appointment, but at least things are moving along nicely.
Anywho. That's the report on that.
Today I am suffering the ramifications of yesterday's overzealousness and last night's poor sleep due to overly-real-seeming dreams. Since my appointment was so early this morning I haven't exercised yet, I still have to go out and buy the braces, and all I want to do is take a nap. It's going to take an extra amount of determination to get my 30 min in today.
Well, I better get going to the store so that I can get back here and torture myself. ;-)


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