Tuesday, November 21, 2006

It figures

Oh sure, the day after I decide to get all healthy and commit to a regular exercise regime.....I get sick! Figures.

So, needless to say, my exercise results this past week have been less than stellar. :-( I've only danced 3 times for about 15min each time.... and promptly collapsed after each spurt of energy, begging Ethan to take a nap so that I could sleep too. No such luck.

The good news is that I haven't had the full range of symptoms that Luke has had with the cotton head, stuffy nose, and scratchy throat. Instead I've just felt completely drained of all energy for a good part of every day and I've had to battle an insatiable appetite to boot- something not uncommon for me when I'm fighting a virus.

I have, however, remained fairly faithful in my food choices and portions with only one weak moment where I had 2 squares of chocolate (I wanted to eat the whole king size bar as part of a s'mores binge, so I think that was an okay compromise). Other than that I've stuck to tons of veggies, appropriate portions of meat and low fat, low calorie carbs, plus lots of Total. Total, in the past, has proven to be a great tool for me in losing weight. It has TONS of vit's & min's and a whopping dose of fiber. Not to mention that one bowl w/nonfat milk will actually fill me up long enough to help me wait for the next meal with no more help than glasses of water to fill the gap. (BTW since, as many of you know, Luke prefers to cook dinner, he has very been supportive in serving up less meat/potatoes/rice and adding more veggies, and by preparing my food with as little fat as possible and still maintaining his usual level of deliciousness. )

That's another thing. I've been trying to focus on drinking tons of water, but I think I'm probably not doing nearly well enough. I think I'm averaging about 3-5 large glasses per day which probably hold about 12-16oz per glass. Okay, but not great. I'll have to work on that some more.

Of course, I WOULD be dumb enough to try and start something like this RIGHT before the holiday season, but what can I say? Motivation struck. I'll just have to watch my portions and be thankful that I can't stand gravy. ;-D The hardest part will be turning down the pies, cookies, and chocolates that I know are going to be a part of this season. I'm thinking my best bet will be to steal just one bite of whatever looks the most irresistable and be satisfied with that.
If I deny myself entirely, I'm bound to give in at some point and totally blow it by eating like 8 giant cookies or two huge slices of pie with half a gallon of ice cream or something like that.
That's my strategy going in, anyway. We'll see how things go.

My food journal is .... incomplete. I've been too tired to care about writing it all down and contented myself with simply making wise choices. I have the first day recorded in completion, then part of the second day until I got too sick and then nothing. So, I think that I will try again to record my food more faithfully starting tomorrow. Once I have an entire week's worth to show, I'll see about posting it here.

This kind of sick that I am is truly strange. The exhaustion comes in waves. I rest for about an hour, eat something, have a 15-30min spurt of energy and then collapse again. But the really odd thing is that during the day when I have to be awake because of Ethan my mind can't seem to even focus on a sitcom let alone anything productive and I find myself just staring at the ceiling, but when I finally get the chance to sleep, my mind won't let me. Like now. I finally got to bed at midnight and my mind just wouldn't shut up, so rather than keep poor Luke (who is still very sick) awake with my tossing, I decided to come out here and post on this blog. Well, maybe this did the trick and I got rid of whatever my mind was mulling over, because now my mind is slowing down and I can think of nothing else to write and I might even be beginning to feel sleepy. Think I'll go test out this theory in bed.
Night all!


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