Tuesday, November 28, 2006


Okay, so Luke just chewed me out for my calorie total. He pointed out that my new exercise schedule requires that I categorize myself in the "moderately active" category which, after rereading the descriptions I have to agree with. I was categorizing myself in the previous post based on what I had been doing up until now. But, he's right. Since I'm going to be exercising for 30 minutes, 5 days a week now, I need to change how I view my level of activity. So.....

For "moderately active" I require 2624 calories to maintain my weight.
For "lightly active" I require 2327 calories to maintain my weight.
Subtract 1000 calories from each and I get 1327 to 1624.
Subtract 1327 from 1624 and I'm left with 297.
Divide that in two and I get 148.5.
Add 149 to 1327 and I get 1476.

My new target calorie total is 1476.

Side Note:
I would like to point out that I could easily have hidden my mistake. I had only just published my previous post and it's doubtful anyone would have seen it yet. I could easily have edited that post to smooth over my faux-pas, but instead I decided to stick to my promise of honesty and make the correction public.


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