Thursday, November 30, 2006

The last 4 days

When I made the decision to change my lifestyle to lose weight I never thought my problem would be not eating ENOUGH calories! Yet, looking back over the last four days I know that that has been a problem. The trick is meeting the higher calorie target without exceeding my other targets (such as carbs & sugars).

I've also been a little low on fats, but my history tells me that low fats is good for helping me losing weight so I'm not too worried about that.

Another problem I've noticed is my sodium level. However, I'm not too sure what to do about that, if anything. I need to look into how the standard "average" amount is decided and figure out how crucial it is to meet that. It seems nearly impossible to not exceed the level unless I completely cut out EVERYTHING commercially made. I mean, I'd have start baking my own bread.... and I don't know WHAT I would do about meats. Well, for now I'm not going to worry about it.

It's a beautiful day and I think I'll take Ethan out for a nice long walk. :-)


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