Monday, December 11, 2006

Stumble & Recovery

First of all, I want to report that not only did I get in all 5 of my 30min exercises, last Friday my weigh in was 189.5lbs!!! That's another 2lb loss for a total of 6.5lbs lost so far!!! Yeah! :-D

However, that was Friday....

I have to really kick my butt today (Monday). Not only do I have a TON of housework that piled up over last week's busy schedule, but I also ate like a pig this weekend. My husband and I had our first "date" in months Saturday night and we went to Olive Garden where I ate better then expected (just 2.5 breadsticks, salad, and one piece of chicken) but I did have 2 glasses of full blown coke (my greatest weakness) then I had about 1 cup of M&M minis when we went to the movies...definately not good. Then yesterday, my sister-in-law had her 19th bday party yesterday and they ordered chinese take out for lunch. I resiste having more soda, but then "dinner" was a slice of homemade apple pie and a scoop of icecream that I let them talk me into and immediately regretted eating. So when I got home I was still hungry and had the left over piece of chicken from Olive Garden and a HUGE plate of garlic green beans cooked in a little bit of margarine. Ugh. I could feel the effects of so much junk on my body before the weekend was over. So, like I said, back to the grind stone. I'm going to eat especially healthy and focus on fibers to clear my body of all that junk that's got me feeling yech, and I'm going to work my butt off exercising and cleaning. So... better get to work, huh? :-)

BTW does anyone else feel the effects of poor food choices the way I do? It's almost like feeling sick... it definately drains my energy. The soda is especially bad for my body, I've reluctantly noticed. (I used to say, "I don't drink coffee, I drink coke". There was a time I was drinking 3 cans of coke, or more, EVERY DAY starting before breakfast!! Now I try to only drink it on special occasions and limit it to one or two glasses.) If you drink a lot of soda but haven't noticed this, you might experiment with going without it for one week. I didn't have a clue how much it affected me until I went without it for a while and then had it again. I've noticed that, for me, colas effect me worse than clear sodas and it doesn't seem to matter whether it was diet or regular (in fact, diet is sometimes worse). Obviously some people will be more affected than others since we're all different, but I would try it, if you haven't.

My hope today, is to do by my 1hr Richard Simmons video AND my 30min Denise Austin Video- both of which can really kick my butt. Add to that, dishes, running & folding laundry, vacuuming, and picking up toys & other stuff, and I'm hoping to burn many, many calories today!


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