Monday, January 05, 2009

Listen to the Experts

Since my youngest is sick and has decided to keep me up late, I figured I'd get a little research in so my lost sleep would count for something. (He refuses to be put down & I can't let him cry or he'll keep up the rest of the house.) So I went ahead and researched the number of calories I should be eating each day. After checking with 3 or 4 different sites and calculating at least as many formulas, I then compared those results to what SparkPeople had already suggested for me on their site. Wondering how they came up with their numbers, I read their article explaining this and was impressed enough to just chuck my numbers in the trash. Seems those people actually know what they're doing (go figure ;-D ). So I'll just be using their recommended calorie range after all............ so much for doing something productive with my time. LOL Now if only there were a formula for convincing a sick child to go back to sleep!


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