Thursday, February 02, 2006
Ethan had very bad indigestion yesterday and needed to be held vertical about 60% of the day. So I ended up spending the rest of the time feeding & changing him, and trying to get a little bit of house cleaning done between bouts. So far he seems to be doing better today. So I expect to do my normal run. My plan is to exchange Wednesday's "rest" for Friday's. So instead of resting on Friday as I normally would, I'll do a medium run as I should have on Wednesday. It's not ideal, but it'll have to do.
Tuesday, January 31, 2006
Day 21- An Offial Start
Today was the official Kickoff for the new Team In Training season. Tonight I got to meet the coaches, mentors, and fellow teammates I'll be training with. I was also introduced to the Honored Teammates I'll be running for. There were many speakers, one of whom had quite a testimony. His story included a time when he was unresponsive - in a semi-coma - and not given much hope for survival. When he awoke he had to re-learn to tie his shoes and then he had to learn how to walk again. Now he is a fellow teammate training with the North County San Diego RNR Marathon run team. Isn't that wonderful?
There was also a lot of useful information there. I have a renewed hope for raising the funds. I also am surprised to realize that I may not be in the slowest running group after all. The first team run is to be 3 miles for the slowest group and 4 miles for the next group up. I feel I'm hovering somewhere in between there now. So though I will still start with the slowest group, it's now a possibility in my mind that I may move up. That's not something I expected... and it may still not happen, but it's encouraging to think about.
The first team run is this coming Saturday and I'm looking forward to it.
On a training note: Today I spent much of the day working on fundraising and had to squeeze in my run before taking off for the Kickoff. So, even though I didn't go the full route, I did about 1/2 of the 3 mile route (about 1.5mi) and ran the entire thing! (except 2 stop light waits when I just kept moving) I didn't keep too close an eye on time, but I think it took me about 20 minutes.
Painful Honesty......
As of 5 minutes ago, I weigh 192.5 lbs. And I have just realized that I didn't ever add my measurements, (let alone update them every week) so here they are in all their glory:
upper right arm 12 5/8in, waist 40.5", 44" butt, 26" right thigh. (I don't see any point in measuring both sides.)
In comparing to my first post, I've lost a whopping 3.5lbs! I can only pray that it's because I've gained muscle weight. At least I KNOW that I feel healthier and more energetic. .....You know what sucks? My husband has lost 10 lbs in the last 2 weeks without changing one iota - no exercising & no dieting. NOTE: He asks me to explain that he has played racketball 2 times by himself for 20 WHOLE minutes AND he has eaten salad for lunch the last two days! Well that explains it! (note the sarcasm)
For those who are wondering what happened to my plan to write in my novel each time I fed Ethan:
That plan has been put on hold until I reach my fundraising minimum. I now use that time writing letters, sending emails, and making phone calls. Returning to this goal is yet more motivation for reaching the minimum.
There was also a lot of useful information there. I have a renewed hope for raising the funds. I also am surprised to realize that I may not be in the slowest running group after all. The first team run is to be 3 miles for the slowest group and 4 miles for the next group up. I feel I'm hovering somewhere in between there now. So though I will still start with the slowest group, it's now a possibility in my mind that I may move up. That's not something I expected... and it may still not happen, but it's encouraging to think about.
The first team run is this coming Saturday and I'm looking forward to it.
On a training note: Today I spent much of the day working on fundraising and had to squeeze in my run before taking off for the Kickoff. So, even though I didn't go the full route, I did about 1/2 of the 3 mile route (about 1.5mi) and ran the entire thing! (except 2 stop light waits when I just kept moving) I didn't keep too close an eye on time, but I think it took me about 20 minutes.
Painful Honesty......
As of 5 minutes ago, I weigh 192.5 lbs. And I have just realized that I didn't ever add my measurements, (let alone update them every week) so here they are in all their glory:
upper right arm 12 5/8in, waist 40.5", 44" butt, 26" right thigh. (I don't see any point in measuring both sides.)
In comparing to my first post, I've lost a whopping 3.5lbs! I can only pray that it's because I've gained muscle weight. At least I KNOW that I feel healthier and more energetic. .....You know what sucks? My husband has lost 10 lbs in the last 2 weeks without changing one iota - no exercising & no dieting. NOTE: He asks me to explain that he has played racketball 2 times by himself for 20 WHOLE minutes AND he has eaten salad for lunch the last two days! Well that explains it! (note the sarcasm)
For those who are wondering what happened to my plan to write in my novel each time I fed Ethan:
That plan has been put on hold until I reach my fundraising minimum. I now use that time writing letters, sending emails, and making phone calls. Returning to this goal is yet more motivation for reaching the minimum.
Monday, January 30, 2006
Days 17, 18, 19 & 20
Sorry for not posting sooner.
As Friday is a day of "rest" on the training schedule, I spent the day delivering canisters to various businesses for the collection of coins for the LLS.
Saturday I ran for 7 minutes on the treadmill (not quite a mile since it included a 2min walking warm-up), before Ethan began to protest and I had to stop. So I stretched and took him on a run around the block instead (probably about 1 3/4 miles). That took me about 25 minutes. Then I went to the zoo and, although it was fun, by the time I got back I was EXHAUSTED!!!
So Sunday I stuck to the schedule's required 30 minute Easy/Recovery run..... sort of. I ran 2.75 miles in 30 minutes, plus a 5 minute cool down walk. I also did extra situps and back strengthening exercises.
Today (Monday= Day 20) the schedules calls for either another day of rest or a day of crosstraining. So, I plan to do everything else first (fundraising, housecleaning, etc.) and then if I have the energy and time left by dinner time, I'll do one of my home videos. It's fun to switch it up now and then. Either way, I'll make sure to fit in SOME toning exercises.
As Friday is a day of "rest" on the training schedule, I spent the day delivering canisters to various businesses for the collection of coins for the LLS.
Saturday I ran for 7 minutes on the treadmill (not quite a mile since it included a 2min walking warm-up), before Ethan began to protest and I had to stop. So I stretched and took him on a run around the block instead (probably about 1 3/4 miles). That took me about 25 minutes. Then I went to the zoo and, although it was fun, by the time I got back I was EXHAUSTED!!!
So Sunday I stuck to the schedule's required 30 minute Easy/Recovery run..... sort of. I ran 2.75 miles in 30 minutes, plus a 5 minute cool down walk. I also did extra situps and back strengthening exercises.
Today (Monday= Day 20) the schedules calls for either another day of rest or a day of crosstraining. So, I plan to do everything else first (fundraising, housecleaning, etc.) and then if I have the energy and time left by dinner time, I'll do one of my home videos. It's fun to switch it up now and then. Either way, I'll make sure to fit in SOME toning exercises.