13 miles Upside & Down
The Upside:
I kept pace with the captain for the A group! He finished less than 45 sec in front of me!
The two people I usually judge my pace by (the ones I usually run behind) split up toward the end. One finished with the captain, just ahead of me, and the other finished about 3 minutes behind me.
I really did SO much better than I have in the past! I stuck to the 9 min run & 1 min walk sets the entire time! No extra walking!
It took me roughly 2hrs 40min to complete all 13 miles. That's a pace of 12min 13sec per mile! Woohoo!
Oh! And I finally remembered to put on my sunscreen! :-D No burning today!
The Downside:
Today I began chaffing- BAD. I am currently enjoying the pleasant sensation of cornstarch on my body in all the places where my skin has been rubbed raw- even bleeding in spots.
My knees are screaming in pain (IT band) so that I groan audibly whenever I get up or down.
My right ankle is very sore and barely supports me.
My toes (the ones I had podiatry work on) finally started hurting at about 8 miles after running on cobblestones for about 1/2 a mile.
The toe immediately to the right of one of my bandaged toes now has a painful blister as a result of rubbing repeatedly on the bandage.
To End On A Good Note:
This too shall pass! :-D