Friday, December 22, 2006

Pre-Christmas Update

Okay, so I don't have much time, but I wanted to let you all know that my reason for not posting lately is that first I was out of town, then shopping like a maniac, and most recently Ethan has been sick. He's been fighting a high fever for the last 4 days, but as of the wee hours of this morning, the fever seems to be gone, so we will see. We're really hoping he's going to recover quickly, not only because it makes the poor little guy miserable to be so sick, but also because his being ill would basically mean NO Christmas celebrations with any extended family- something we were really looking forward to. It would also mean no ski vacation with my family- something we've been planning for over a year. It would also mean that our Christmas day at home would consist largely of my pulling down his diaper every half hour or so to check his temperature.... not exactly the Christmas I pictured for my 1 year old's first real experience of Christmas. (Last year he was too little to enjoy things like tearing Christmas wrapping to shreds.) So, like I said, we're really hoping this is the end of it and he'll just keep getting better from here on out. :-D

As for my diet & exercising. Last week I only managed to get in 4 exercises and had to REALLY squeeze them in (twice exercising after midnight), and this week I only managed 2 because of Ethan's illness. I have not entered food into my online food journal since last Wednesday, but I have been mentally keeping track of what I've been eating and trying to stay on track- with the exception of a very few tastes of the cookies and candies I'm making - just to make sure they are coming out right. However, I DID manage to make my goal of losing at least 8lbs by Christmas!! Yeah! As of today, I weigh 184.5lbs, but I didn't weigh myself at the correct time so it's possible I weigh up to 1lb even lighter! Either way, I met my goal and I'm thrillled!

Due to the holidays and a family skiing vacation (assuming health) I will not be posting between now and the new year. So, Merry Christmas to everyone and a Happy New Year!

(P.S. If you're wondering where your Christmas card is, it's filled and addressed and sitting on our kitchen table. -I finished them minutes before discovering Ethan's fever. Hopefully you'll get it before the New Year! lol)
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