Thursday, May 28, 2009

The Complete Truth

Okay, here I am in May, almost June and I have yet to establish a regular exercise routine. Have I been busy? Yes. Could I have found the time to exercise anyway? Yes. I recently realized the truth is I just have a bad attitude about it. Deep down I felt like, well we're hoping I get pregnant again in the relatively near future, anyway, and then I'll gain back anything I've lost, so what's the point? Also, many things have seemed out of my control lately and I've been self medicating with food again. I've been eating when I want, what I want, and how much I want.

And I am sick of myself.

I finally reached the "Enough!" moment yesterday. I was watching a show about losing weight and I just decided I was tired of being so over weight and I was tired of being so glutenous with my food and feeling like crap as a result. I know I can change these things and that's what I'm going to do.

So, the fire, at long last has finally been lit under my butt. However, I know myself well enough to know that without something fanning it, it will quickly fade and go out. So.... I'm looking for a support system. The first thing I've found that should help is a class at my gym that I absolutely love! It's called Zumba and it's like combining all my favorite home exercise videos with the extra fun of other real people. On top of that, the style of the class is such that if I'm totally beat one day, I can still show up and just do a half-crap job. No one will say a thing and I'll be happy just to have done *something* that day.

As great as the class is, it only meets once a week and eventually I'm going to need to more. Also, I know me, and if I'm going to be successful, I'll need more personal support. Therefore, I have placed an ad on craigslist looking for someone to meet me at my gym 1-3 times a week. I'm not sure if this will work out or not, but I figured it couldn't hurt. I am also looking at the different online exercise message boards and online "teams" to see which will work best for me and might help keep me motivated. Last time I was successful it had a lot to do with a great online support group, so I'm really hoping that will be the case this time, too.

I'm also toying with the idea of doing an online photo diary of my success....not yet sure if I'm brave enough. We'll see.

Just in general lately I've been feeling overwhelmed by the list of things I want to accomplish every day. I've been resorting to my worst defense mechanism. I'm a lot like an ostrich. When I sense imminent danger (a.k.a. failure), I stick my head in the "sand" and pretend I can't see it (a.k.a. don't even try). This of course does nothing but make things worse. Rationally I know this, but even after all these years, I still find myself resorting to this behavior now and then. Good thing I've got a great husband who calls me on it and encourages me to get my head out of the sand and just take one step at a time.


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