Friday, May 12, 2006

Trial Run A Success!

Today I went to Lake Miramar for a long walk to test out how I felt sinc my doctor now said I should not run if I had any pain at all- otherwise risk not being able to run the marathon. So today I didn't feel any pain and decided to try a walk. After walking (pushing Ethan) at a brisk pace for a mile without pain (something that would have caused agony on Wednesday) I decided to try to jog. I jogged for only 1/2 a mile (didn't want to overdo it). Then I walked another 1/4-1/2 mile and stopped to stretch. Then I walked back the way I'd come. The whole time... no pain! Now I'm back home and still no pain! YEAH!
So, I'm going to just show up (on time) tomorrow morning and give it my best shot! Please pray that the pain will stay away and that I'll have the endurance to complete the run (I've missed an entire week of training).

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Possibility of Failure?

The morning of Saturday, May 6, 2006 I had a fun run with my mom (visiting from out of town) and Ethan. We covered 6 miles in my new neighborhood and it was really fun. My mom really impressed me with her ability to keep up! She walks every day on a treadmill and stays in pretty good shape that way. I'm really proud of her.

At first I felt "normal" after run aches and pains. But within minutes after my run one pain began to stand out more than any other. It was a strange pain at the top of my left hip bone. As time passed the pain moved down my leg and eventually stretched from the top of my hip bone all the way down to my left foot. It was a dull ache unless I tried to step forward more than 10 inches. Then it became a sharp, shooting pain. It became worse as the day grew dark and I could hardly walk. I took Ibuprofen and massaged and stretched the muscles as best I could. Since then I've taken hot baths, stretched, massaged, and generally relaxed. The pain lessened to a minor discomfort.
Today I saw my doctor who confirmed my suspicions: I had a pinched sciatic nerve. Gulp. I knew that wasn't good. Prescription: Easy walks, no jogging or running, more hot baths, more ibuprofen, and more stretching. I told her that I was scheduled to run 20 miles this Saturday. She cautiously said that I could try it, but that I needed to stop if my pain increased.
So tonight I went for a sort of "tester" walk, to see how I felt. I went at a very easy pace for most of a 3 mile walk- only accelerating for high traffic intersections. For the most part I felt only minor discomfort. It was in those moments when I tried to accelerate across a street that the pain threatened to return. By the time I reached my destination I could tell I'd reached the point when I should stop and did the smart thing: I called my husband to come pick us up. :-)
Now I am more sore and bordering on pain, but not anywhere as bad as Saturday, so that's good.
Time for another hot bath and some ibuprofen with dinner.
I'll keep you posted.
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