Monday, January 05, 2009

Listen to the Experts

Since my youngest is sick and has decided to keep me up late, I figured I'd get a little research in so my lost sleep would count for something. (He refuses to be put down & I can't let him cry or he'll keep up the rest of the house.) So I went ahead and researched the number of calories I should be eating each day. After checking with 3 or 4 different sites and calculating at least as many formulas, I then compared those results to what SparkPeople had already suggested for me on their site. Wondering how they came up with their numbers, I read their article explaining this and was impressed enough to just chuck my numbers in the trash. Seems those people actually know what they're doing (go figure ;-D ). So I'll just be using their recommended calorie range after all............ so much for doing something productive with my time. LOL Now if only there were a formula for convincing a sick child to go back to sleep!

Sunday, January 04, 2009

Starting Measurements

Okay so the measurements are in and here's where I'm starting from:

Today's wait at about 5pm = 204lbs.

Waist 43"
Hips 45.5"
Neck 13.5"
Thigh 28.5"
Calf 16.5"
Wrist 6.75"

Now, using those measurements and a handy little online calculator I discovered that I have approximately 28.4% body fat. Which means I am carrying around about 57.9lbs of fat. According to the website the calculator was on, this calculation should be accurate within 2% meaning my possible range is 26.4% - 30.4%. However, according to yet another calculator claiming to use formulas developed by the U.S. Navy & the YMCA, my body fat percentage is 42.32% or 41.65% respectively. So what should I believe? Well...I guess I believe that since I can't get an accurate water displacement measurement... I won't be worrying too much about that body fat percentage and focusing on the other more reliable numbers.

I've also chosen a new calorie counting website: And I've set up accounts for me and my husband there. I'm excited that we'll be doing this together this time. I think it will really help to keep the motivation going. I've already entered today's food entries and I did better than I thought for a first day (just 8 calories over), but not nearly as well as I should (need to make healthier choices). In addition to which, I need to evaluate whether the website's recommended calorie and other nutritional goals are ones I want to stick with or if I need to adjust them. For now, though, I'm heading in the right direction.

Here We Go....Again!

Okay, this is it. Commitment time. New year. New start. Time to make goals, take steps, and get moving.

So, here I am announcing my new goals for this year:

  • Weigh 165lbs by my birthday (July 12) - this year!
  • Lower my BMI to under 25.
  • Lose enough inches off my waist that I measure no more than a 35" circumference.
  • Lower my Body Fat Percentage to 20% or lower.

  • Be able to walk 1 mile in under 13min 30sec. (endurance)
  • Be able to run a mile in under 12min. (endurance)
  • Be able to drag 200lbs of dead weight for 50 feet. (strength)
  • Be able to do 34 women's push-ups in under 1 minute. (strength)
  • Be able to carry 55lbs for 1 mile. (strength & endurance)
  • Be able to stand on one foot for 20 seconds on each side with eyes closed & hands overhead. (balance)
  • Hop on one foot for 20 feet without losing balance - on each leg. (balance & strength)
  • Increase overall flexibility.
My hope is to accomplish all of this by the end of 2009. Time will tell if this is realistic or not. However I look at this as simply a "to-do" list and each item will be crossed off as I come to it, without any worry over getting it done within a certain time frame. The exception to this is the first part of the list concerning specific health issues. Those I am aiming to achieve by my birthday. When I told my husband this, he promised me a "big reward" if I am successful. :0)

Well, now we know where I am going, but where am I starting from?

Well, my current weight is 203lbs. (203.5 if you want to get nit-picky)
My BMI 29.1 (just .9 shy of obese!).
My waist... to be measured tomorrow.
My Body Fat Percentage... to be determined soon.

I will also be posting my nutritional and exercise goals here soon.

At the moment, it is very late (or early depending on how you look at it) and I have sleeping to do if I want to accomplish anything tomorrow.
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