Saturday, January 06, 2007

Oh yah

In my remorse over yesterday's dinner choice I completely forgot to mention yesterday's GOOD news. When I weighed myself at the appropriate time & place yesterday (and I did it several times over an hour and a half, just to confirm) I had the wonderful shock of discovering that I was actually 1.5lbs LIGHTER than I was before Christmas!!! I couldn't believe it! Yeah me! ....
or at least that's how I felt at the time. After last night's dinner it's a little more difficult to feel really excited. Still, that does mean that I have officially reached the 10lbs mark! That's a good reason to be positive, don't ya think?

What I did last night

OH MY GOSH!!! Last night I commited diet suicide!

Someone hit a fire hydrant near our apartment building yesterday afternoon so we didn't have any water last night until about 10:30pm. And since our pantry was really still very bare due to our vacation absence, Ethan and I went out for dinner while Dada went to a church meeting. Well...

We'd gotten these gift certificates for Carl's Jr. in our Christmas Stockings this year, so I decided to go ahead and eat there even though I had been boycotting them since they started their "men are morons" commercial campaign. NOT a good decision! When I got there I quickly located their poster size nutrition menus on the wall (one for the original CJ and one for the Green Burrito which they now serve as well). I was completely floored by the grams of fat in EVERYTHING on the menu! The lowest thing I remember seeing on there was 32g of fat!

Ordinarily I probably could have navigated my way through the choices and by subtracting things like sauce and cheese, ended up with an acceptable meal option.


Last night, however, I was EXHAUSTED and STARVING and the guy at the counter was having a hard time understanding my English (when I said sauce, he thought I said salsa) and I wasn't doing so well figuring out his thick accent. So, just wanting to finish my order and be done with it, I picked something at random that SOUNDED like it would be reasonably healthy and ordered that and a kid's chicken meal for Ethan (I think it was his first real fast food meal).

What did I order? A "Grilled Chicken Burrito Plate" without the soda. GRILLED Chicken! Yes, it's a burrito, but how bad could it be??? Well folks... BAD!! REALLY BAD!!!

My only consolation is that due to the shockingly enormous size of the burrito, I only ate half of it, and then I spent nearly an hour crawling up and through and around and down inside the tunnels of one of those playground things with Ethan. That helps. A very little. *groan*

Just to give you an idea... we're talking 43g of fat and over 2000g of sodium in just the portion I ate! Ugh. I am sick just thinking about it!

Well, I suppose there's nothing that can be done for it now. What's done is done and there's no going back. I'll just have to be WAY more careful for the next week if I have any hope of making my goal. *sigh*

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Post Holiday Report

Well, the chaos of the holidays have finally come to an end, and although our apartment looks as though a tornado has struck, things otherwise are looking good.

For Christmas day and the week that followed I gave myself permission to pretty much eat whatever I wanted whenever I wanted with one catch- I had to enjoy it. In other words, if I wanted chocolate, I could only eat it as long as I was consciously enjoying it- no mindless binging. Well.... let me tell you, I sure know how to enjoy my food! lol

Actually, by the end of the week I was craving healthy, fresh, nongreasy foods and drinking water by preference. As I mentioned before, I've become more conscious of the changes that poor food choices bring upon my body and my energy level. So, switching back to healthy foods wasn't nearly as difficult as I had anticipated. What is proving difficult is sizing down my portions to an appropriate size and fighting the strong desire for another Coke and some more chocolate. The desire for chocolate can be combatted with a piece of fruit, because what I really want is a sweet capper to the end of my meal. The portion thing... well that's just going to take time for my stomach to shrink itself back down to pre-vacation size. But the Coke.... oh the Coke! I want it! I want it! I want it now! lol Seriously, you know those people who drink like 4+ cups of coffee a day? That's how I could be with Coke. In fact, there was a time I drank up to 3 Cokes a day on a regular basis... and I know there were a few days when I had as many as 5 in a single day! Looking back, I can't imagine why I didn't gain even more weight! So.... unfortunately, for me, the desire for Coke is always there and the only way to combat it is plain old self-discipline. Something I am NOT good at. I am so grateful that I have a supportive husband who is also trying to limit his soda intake. This means that we just don't have soda in the house unless we are expecting company or if one of us is sick (and then it's a clear soda). If it's not here to drink, it's a lot easier to resist. ;-D

So, what are the results of all these Holiday & Vacation indulgences?
My scale is still debating itself.

Yesterday I weighed myself at the appropriate time of day, in the same state of dress, and on the same tile in the bathroom that I always weigh myself on, and........I weighed 185.5 .... then I tried again and weighed 187.5.......then 185.0.......then 186.5.......then 187.0.... then 185.5.....then 186.0......then 186.5..... I think you get the picture. So... I have decided that since the range is 0.5lb to 3.0lbs in weight gain, I'll choose the approximate middle ground of 1.5lbs and go with that.

Not too bad, I think, for a whole week of indulgence. Of course, it probably helped that I spent two days hauling Ethan around in a sled and "walking" in snow so soft I was often in it up to my knees. And it probably didn't hurt that another two of those days I spent attempting to kill myself (& a few innocent bystanders) by flinging myself down the side of a mountain on a couple of flattened out sticks. And on my one day spent entirely indoors, I still managed to do about 15min of Dance Baby Dance, as well as some yoga that left my muscles trembling for half an hour afterward. All of that probably had something to do with my lack of massive weight gain. ;-D
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