Friday, February 17, 2006


Just a quick note to let you know I have been sick since Tuesday and won't be running tomorrow (Saturday). I'll post again Monday.

Monday, February 13, 2006

Day 31 -34

Friday was a day "off", so I cleaned house.

Saturday I ran with the Team. We met at Road Runner Sports and ran around the area there before holding a shoe clinic at the store. However, since I already had all the items they were going to discuss (THANKS MOM!), I hurried home to feed Ethan instead. I chose to run with "the five twos" that day. This means that I ran with the group pacing themselves for 5 minutes running and two minutes walking. This group actually split into two unofficial speeds. I remained with the faster group. It was hard, and I was playing mind games by the end (i.e. "okay just to the next bush..."), but I did it, and as always, it was fun running with others and felt great afterward. .... Although, Luke says I was a walking zombie for the rest of the day. :-P
BTW I ran 4 miles that day!

Sunday was supposed to be an easy 30minute recovery run, but Luke, Ethan, and I ended up taking a nearly 3hr nap that afternoon instead. We felt colds coming on.

Today, Monday, will be a 3 -4 mile run (70-80% aerobic).

I am also going to talk to someone about a possibly very large fundraiser this afternoon, so any prayers would be welcome.
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