Day 11- Commitment
Luke and I talked and decided that I could just go ahead and make the commitment. Our reasoning was bifold: 1) I had proven my ability and determination to see this through. 2) We realized that I needed to start fundraising ASAP in order to make the goal of $1700 by February 16th!
Tomorrow I will stray slightly from the training schedule for two reasons. First, the schedule calls for me to be running by 7:30am. This would mean Luke would have to be in charge of caring for Ethan. However, he has had a long week and wishes to sleep in. Since this is one of the last Saturdays he'll be able to do so, I'm granting that wish. Secondly, we have company coming tonight and that places housework as a high priority. So, instead of running the "long run" at 7:30am, I am going to try to squeeze it in this afternoon before company arrives.
BTW I got "The Notebook" when I registered, and inside, among other things, are the bios of two of our Honored Teammates. After reading them, I am more determined than ever that I WILL do succed!