Saturday, January 07, 2006

Day One?

Well, I'm off to a raring start! (note sarcasm) Not only is it NOT midnight or anywhere "thereabouts", but yesterday was a total FAILURE! How embarrassing. One day and I can't even keep my goals. In my defense I was kept awake until 6:30am that morning by my little bundle of joy? and didn't "get out of bed" until 3pm. Then, shortly after I did wake up, I was confronted with an urgent family issue that took a good deal of time to deal with. Of course, then there are those remaining 4 hours after the issue was resolved but before "bedtime" during which I could have done SOMETHING- but didn't. Let's face it. Yesterday was a total waste.
Here's hoping Monday is a fresh start!

Friday, January 06, 2006

Join Me? Join Me!!

I'm always looking for an exercise buddy so if you live in the San Diego area and would like to join me one time or every morning, please email me at !!!

Share Your Successes/Failures

If you have any recent failures or success stories you'd like to share, feel free to either email me or post them as comments on any of my posts- including this one!


Call Me On It!

If I ever fail to post on a weeknight, please email me at!!!!! If I record a failure- let me know you've read it by commenting to that post. Even if I only get one response a month, I'll know someone's watching. ;-D

Thanks for your help!

First Post

Right now there are two long-term goals which I wish to journal about on this blog.

My first long-term goal is to complete my fictional novel by the end of 2006. In order to do this I need to attain less erratic writing habits. In the past I have tended to write very intensely for anywhere from 1 week to 3mths in a row, then get distracted and "take a break" for anywhere from 1 month to 5mths. This makes for a VERY slow writing process and is just plain annoying to those who know about it. Why I procrastinate doing something that I love so much sometimes escapes me. Although, to be honest, writing can be very hard work and frankly, I have a lazy side to me.

My solution: Since I breastfeed every two hours right now and must be sitting for this, I am going to use this built in scheduling to help me get into a better writing habit. I breastfeed on "the evens" (2 o'clock, 4 o'clock, etc.). Therefore, I am going to set my first short term goal as using the feeding times of 8am and 10am to add to and/or edit my novel every morning. This should give me a total of 1hr's writing time every morning- except on Sunday. I will record my success or failure to follow through on this goal each night at midnight while I'm feeding once again.

My second long-term goal is to improve my physical health through exercise. Specificly, I want to lose those lingering pregnancy pounds and drop down to a healthier weight of somewhere between 165 and 175lbs. As part of my painfully honest policy for this blog I have just weighed myself. I can't believe I'm putting this on here, but I currently weigh 196lbs. I also want to return to a size 12 pant size. I am currently wearing one size 16 pair & one size 18 pair. Thus losing overall inches is part of my goal. I will post my measurements here once a week in addition to commenting on my overall success/failure (in sticking to my plan) each night at midnight.

My plan: I will go for a 3 mile walk every Tuesday and Thursday morning, and do 30 minutes of various toning exercises Monday, Wednesday, & Friday mornings. I will leave the weekends empty. I hope to increase the number of situps (read: various crunches and stomach exercises) that I can do in a given session, and to work up to completing the 3 mile walk in under 30 minutes by the end of January. (That's 10min/mile.) My ultimate goal is to be able to complete a walking marathon of at least 26 miles in less than 5hrs and after that to graduate into running (my true love).

So I will check in every night at midnight (or there abouts) for an update of my successes/failures.

Until then, Goodnight!
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