Friday, January 06, 2006

First Post

Right now there are two long-term goals which I wish to journal about on this blog.

My first long-term goal is to complete my fictional novel by the end of 2006. In order to do this I need to attain less erratic writing habits. In the past I have tended to write very intensely for anywhere from 1 week to 3mths in a row, then get distracted and "take a break" for anywhere from 1 month to 5mths. This makes for a VERY slow writing process and is just plain annoying to those who know about it. Why I procrastinate doing something that I love so much sometimes escapes me. Although, to be honest, writing can be very hard work and frankly, I have a lazy side to me.

My solution: Since I breastfeed every two hours right now and must be sitting for this, I am going to use this built in scheduling to help me get into a better writing habit. I breastfeed on "the evens" (2 o'clock, 4 o'clock, etc.). Therefore, I am going to set my first short term goal as using the feeding times of 8am and 10am to add to and/or edit my novel every morning. This should give me a total of 1hr's writing time every morning- except on Sunday. I will record my success or failure to follow through on this goal each night at midnight while I'm feeding once again.

My second long-term goal is to improve my physical health through exercise. Specificly, I want to lose those lingering pregnancy pounds and drop down to a healthier weight of somewhere between 165 and 175lbs. As part of my painfully honest policy for this blog I have just weighed myself. I can't believe I'm putting this on here, but I currently weigh 196lbs. I also want to return to a size 12 pant size. I am currently wearing one size 16 pair & one size 18 pair. Thus losing overall inches is part of my goal. I will post my measurements here once a week in addition to commenting on my overall success/failure (in sticking to my plan) each night at midnight.

My plan: I will go for a 3 mile walk every Tuesday and Thursday morning, and do 30 minutes of various toning exercises Monday, Wednesday, & Friday mornings. I will leave the weekends empty. I hope to increase the number of situps (read: various crunches and stomach exercises) that I can do in a given session, and to work up to completing the 3 mile walk in under 30 minutes by the end of January. (That's 10min/mile.) My ultimate goal is to be able to complete a walking marathon of at least 26 miles in less than 5hrs and after that to graduate into running (my true love).

So I will check in every night at midnight (or there abouts) for an update of my successes/failures.

Until then, Goodnight!


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