Thursday, January 19, 2006

Day 9- New Confidence

Since I didn't get to exercise Tuesday, I decided to do my three miles the next day...then my husband, Luke's, car broke down and ate up half my day. So I did my three miles Wednesday night on the treadmill. Because I'm trying to decide whether to join the running team or the walking team for the LLS, I decided to try to run a fair portion of my 3 miles- just to see what I could do. Well, after the first 5 minutes I was convinced that only in a moment of insanity would I sign up for the running team; but I kept going and by the time I was done I'd found a new confidence. Keeping in mind that I would have to do it again the next day, I completed 3 miles in less than 42 minutes and I think I might have done better. Yes, granted this is only 3 miles, but hey, I'm just starting out and it's a lot better than I thought I might be able to do! (I think I might do even better next time, too!)

Today, I'll wallk/run in the real world while I run some errands. So I won't be able to accurately time my acheivement, but I'm a fair judge of how hard I'm pushing myself and I aim to continue to push past that "I want to quit" mark. I've always known that I can go farther than my mind would initially have me believe, but after enduring 22hrs of labor (20 w/o medication) I suddenly have a new belief in my ability to endure and persevere. I am so excited by the thought that I might actually be able to run a 26mile marathon come June 4th!!!

And now that I have that goal in mind, whenever I start to think about how hard it is to keep going, I just remind myself that it is probably NOTHING compared to what a nine year old goes through in kemo therapy! And the thought that children are being tough enough to not only fight something like that physically, but mentally as well.... makes me push even harder! It's amazing to think that my running might make a difference- however small!


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