Monday, January 09, 2006

Day Two- so far

Since I am online anyway, I thought I'd throw an update at you. Thus far today I have NOT done any writing. However, I HAVE done some exercising! Yeah! Since the little bundle of joy was not so joyful this afternoon, I included him in doing the dishes by putting him in our sling and doing leg exercises while I washed. I did things like side to side toe taps, deep knee squats, plees (sp?- think ballerina), and other up, down, side-to-side movements. After finishing the dishes Ethan also joined me in a dance around the house where I mixed up dancing and exercise moves while listening to his fast-paced kids CD. My sister in law ordered me a Mommy and Me Dancing Exercise Video for Christmas and I can't wait until it's delivered! Today I covered my arms, legs, abs, and one back strengthening move with my impromptu exercising. I think it lasted about 30-45 min. I wasn't really watching the clock. (BTW he ABSOLUTELY LOOOOOOVED it!- until his last meal came back up, ending our dance session. Oops. Oh well, he got a bath out of the deal. ;-D )

Tomorrow's my first day to try and walk 3 miles. I'm actually looking forward to it!


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