Thursday, January 26, 2006

Day 16- New Route

Today I extended my outdoor route to now measure 4.303 miles. (BTW- I'm using a google map pedometer to calculate my distances.) My time for completing this route was 40 minutes. Again, using the pace calculator, I ran about 9min 17sec per mile! Not bad for the first try! Also, I forgot to mention that when I run outside, I'm pushing Ethan (Who weighs over 14lbs not including stroller & car seat weight.) and I have to wait for traffic and stop lights.

My new course added about 4 additional street crossings that require waiting as well as some steeper grades (though still nothing I'd call a true hill)and so many driveways! Have you ever noticed all the ups and downs driveways create? With a stroller, you notice EVERY one!

I've been sticking to the area around my home so that I could incorporate doing laundry into my exercise time, but now that I'm needing more distance, I'm going to need to find somewhere without so many street crossings so that I can more accurately assess my pace.

It's too bad tracks don't allow strollers. Oh well, they don't have hills either and I need to practice on those since the marathon route has plenty of them!


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