Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Day 15- He is my strength!

Today I ran/walked my outdoor entire outdoor route in less than 25 minutes!!!! That's 3.264 miles!!! That means I averaged 7 minutes 40 seconds per mile! Woohoo!! How did I do that?!

Well, I know that only God can give me strength, and that fact was driven home today by the two people I passed today who were confined to wheelchairs. How blessed am I to be able to walk, let alone run, and never mind even TRYING to complete a marathon?! Every time I felt like walking instead of running, I'd remind myself not to take the ability to run for granted and I'd decide to run "a little bit farther" - i.e. to the next lamp post. Then as I approached the lamp post, I'd think: "See you didn't think you could do it, but you did. Now run to the .... electrical box up there." And so forth. And playing these little mind games got me through it! Praise God who gives me strength! :-D

Here's the web address for a great Pace Calculator:


Blogger archshrk said...

You can do it! I love your determination:) JS

8:45 AM  
Blogger KMD said...

Thanks for the encouragement! It means a lot!

3:12 PM  

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