Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Days 13 & 14

So the last two days have been complete failures in terms of my goals as orignally defined in the first post on this blog. However, I believe the reason softens the blow a little.

The reason is that I have spent all day, both days, working into an exhaustion to raise funds for The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. Thus, by the time I've accomplished what I set out to do each day, it has been dark and the office has been locked. Since my new rule is no running after dark (in the gym or otherwise- see "Day 12"), I have not exercised. :-(

Tomorrow, however, I am going to take a day off from fundraising to attend my other responsibilities (house cleaning, writing my novel, & running). The only exception is a brief follow up call I'll need to make at about 12:30.

The good news is that all my efforts are beginning to slowly pay off. Today I had several businesses agree to let me place a cannister in their business to collect coins, and yesterday, Kiddie Kandids agreed to donate a portrait package for use in raising funds! Of course there have been a few "No's" but the majority either say yes or maybe, so I am encouraged.

And because my favorite show is on tonight (the only one I watch faithfully), I am going to allow myself a one hour break. Of course, I'll do situps and other brainless exercises while I watch so it won't be a total waiste.


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