Thursday, March 30, 2006

Physical Update

Well, I now 183.5lbs (a long way from my goal of 175) but I can now tell you for certain that it is mostly muscle! All I have to do is glance in the mirror to see a very significant change from how my body looked in January. Rarely have I been this fit and never have I worked so hard to be that way. That said, I am still not completely satisfied. Yes, I'm looking good (if I do say so myself). But I know that I can do better. So, I am making a couple of adjustments.

First, I am cutting out the sweets I've gotten into the bad habit of eating. I've eaten way more chocolate and cookies over the last few months than my metabolism would ever have allowed me to get away with previously. However, the fact that it's not adding any weight is no excuse to pig out on junk. So that is history. No more cookies, candies, chocolates, cakes, or pies. The only sweet I'm allowing myself is icecream- and that in moderation.

Secondly, I am going to begin focusing more regularly on strength training key areas that I want to tighten up (such as my abs).

I know that if I set out to do too much at once, I'll fail. So these are the two small steps I've decided to take on for now. Once these become routine/easy, I'll look into doing more.

Measurements on January 31, 2006:
Weight: 192.5lbs
Waist: 40 1/2 in
Butt: 44 in
Right Thigh: 26 in
Upper Right Arm: 12 5/8 in

Today's Measurements:
Weight: 183.5lbs (lost 9 lbs!)
Waist: 37 in (lost 3 1/2 in!!)
Butt: 43 1/4 in (lost 3/4 in!)
Right Thigh: 26 in (same measurement, but more firm, less flab!)
Upper Right Arm: TBA- need Luke to measure this one and he's at work. :-)



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