Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Someone else's life

Yesterday (Monday, March 6) I didn't end up getting to run. I spent all day working on various fundraising tasks and lost track of time until I had to run out of the house for another commitment. Sooooo rather than take today as an off day- that the schedule calls for- I went running with Ethan at Lake Murray. I did 4 miles run/walking in 6/1 sets.

Now, first of all, it is A LOT more difficult to run with a stroller than it is without one. This is not because of the weight, neccessarily. It's mainly because it interferes so greatly with your arm motion. For those of you who don't run, your upper body is a significant factor in your overall ability to keep moving and almost dictates what your lower half does.

Secondly, something astonishing happened toward the end of my run. I actually thought, "that wasn't so bad." !!! What? Who said that? I could not possibly have just run 4miles and thought "that wasn't so bad"!! Who's life am I thinking of because surely that's not me, voluntarily running 4miles in a row.... getting up at 4:45am to go run miles around a cold lake...sacrificing my Saturday morning sleep for an eight mile run!!! This is truly too surreal to be true!

Man it feels good!


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